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Mission and Vision
发布时间:2024-11-28    阅读:

Mission of the School:

To uphold conviction, innovate thinking, create knowledge, integrate technology, and cultivate new business management talents with expertise in digital intelligence and smart management.

Vision of the School:

To become the region's leading management school with distinctive characteristics in digital intelligence.

School Motto:

"Embrace wisdom, act with integrity; manage with precision and balance."


Respect culture and martial arts, foster thoughtful reflection and practical action, pursue unity of knowledge and action.

Code of Conduct:

Loyalty, Integrity, Responsibility, Collaboration, Integration, Innovation.

绵阳校区:四川省绵阳市科创园区园兴西街2号  /  成都校区:成都市成华区龙潭工业机器人产业功能区  / 德阳校区:四川省德阳市罗江区大学北路99号
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